Metal Stitching & Metal Locking Crack Cast Iron
The repair of crack in heavy components of cast iron, aluminium, bronze is recommended to be executed by metal stitching and metal locking process. Metal stitching results in the permanent repair of the crack or blow out whole in the casting due to an accident. It is a cold process of repair of crack, no heat is generated and no stress is developed. After undertaking the repair of crack or replacement of broken casting by a new piece of casting, there is no requirement of machining as no stresses and distortion is developed.
In case of requirement after the metal locking and metal stitching process, the repair area is gas and liquid-tight to ensure that there is no leakage.
RA Power Solutions have been undertaking crack repair and repair of broken casting by metal stitching and metal locking process for the last 40 years. We have also undertaken repairs where repeated attempts have been made to repair the crack by a welding process. The affected area of welding is cut off and replaced by a new piece of casting and is metal stitched.
The repair of crack by metal stitching and metal locking process is highly recommended for heavy engine components like a crankcase, cylinder head, turbine casing, cylinder liners, etc. All the repairs undertaken by RA Power Solutions are guaranteed for satisfactory performance. Ours is the only company that can undertake crack repair by metal stitching and metal locking process while sailing the vessel. We have executed no. of jobs of repair of heavy machinery where the bolts and the threads are damaged. The repair is executed by using a metal stitching process and the use of Helicoil threads.
RA Power Solutions takes a pride in claiming that we have a dedicated team of technicians to undertake the repair by metal lock and metal stitching process. All the jobs executed by us are guaranteed satisfactory performance. We are proven to be cost-effective and can depute our team of technicians along with consumables on short notice. We have recently extended these services to Dubai, Greece, Maldives, Malaysia, Singapore, Madagascar, Nigeria, South America, UAE, Germany, Monaco, Qatar, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, UK, Nepal, Philippines, Jordan, Libya, Kuwait, Egypt, Morocco, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Sudan, Oman, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, etc.
To know more about metal stitching, metal locking, damage engine block repair by metal lock and grey iron casting crack repair, please email us at,, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.