The onsite diesel repair of crankshaft, engine block, connecting rod and all major spare parts gives our client advantage as it reduces the downtime while undertaking overhauling and repair of diesel engine. The in-house diesel engine repair facility provided by RA Power Solutions reduces the cost of diesel engine maintenance and overhaul tremendously. We are the only company which has all the facilities under same roof i.e. overhauling of diesel engine, maintenance, repair of diesel engine and supply of diesel engine parts.
The overhauling and repair of diesel engine, replacement of crankshaft and other parts of diesel engine is possible while vessel is sailing. Our technicians are qualified and have necessary certification for sailing thus reducing the cost of anchoring or holding the vessel at port and undertake diesel engine repair and overhauling.
We have team of qualified engineers retired from Shipping, Indian Navy and Industries having experience of four decades in diesel engine repair and overhauling. We also have on our panel engineers from the engine manufacturers of British and German origin.
On site diesel engine repair services include overhaul, maintenance, repairs for low and medium-speed marine and industrial diesel engines and turbochargers, as well as spare parts supply.
MAN-B&W, Sulzer, Wartsila, Mak, Deutz, Pielstick, Mitsubishi, Daihatsu, Yanmar, Bergen, Niigata, Himsen, Allen, Stork, Fiat, MWM, Hanshin, Caterpillar, SKL, Ruston, Paxman, Crepelle, Mirrlees, Alco, ABC, Crepelle, Nohab etc.